If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation? 如果您打算出售房产,何不打电话让我们作免费估价呢?
You can study alongside fellow students without any obligation to participate in formal assessments or gain credits for your degree. 你可以和其他同学一起学习,而完全不必去参加什么正式的学业评定,或是为自己的学位赚学分。
Croydon says for it to work, the partners 'emphasis is still on a genuine relationship, in that there is romance and sparks but without all the monotony and obligation of a full-time relationship. 克罗伊登说,为了进展顺利,还是要强调伴侣的真实关系,因为既有浪漫和激情,但又完全没有专任伴侣的单调和义务。
The quotation shall be free of charge and without obligation to us ( prices in EUR) and conform to our inquiry precisely. 报价是免费的,我们没有义务,请翔实的核实我们的询价。
All information quoted above is based on our experience and actual know how but is given without guarantee and obligation. 以上资料是建立在敝公司的经验和实际知识之上,不作为保证。
Some of these schemes were grants, without an obligation of repayment. 这些计划中有些提供的是补助金,即没有偿还义务。
The information is given without obligation and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his or her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his or her own risk. 德盛安联对所提供的资料无需负上任何责任而任何人仕依据上述资料而作出投资或转换投资组合均需自负风险。
In addition, the Company may deny your access to this Web Site or use of the services or products herein at any time without prior notice or any obligation to provide you with a reason. 再者,本公司有权随时拒绝阁下进入本网页或使用本网页中的服务或产品,而毋须事先通知或提供理由。
All offers are not-binding and without obligation. 所有提供的内容都不具有法律约束力和义务。
A trade name shall be protected in all the countries of the Union without the obligation of filing or registration, whether or not it forms part of a trademark. 厂商名称应在本联盟一切国家内受到保护,没有申请或注册的义务,也不论其是否为商标的一部分。
Investment in a project in countries without obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emission; for example china; 对没有减排责任的国家,如中国,进行项目投资;
Then send back the postcard and we'll gladly tell you& without a bit of obligation, of course. 届时,用明信片告知我们,本公司乐意奉告,当然不会增加任何麻烦。
Bachelors are a select group, without personal obligation, social encumbrance, or any socks that match. 单身汉是一个特别群体,没有个人责任,没有社会责任,也没有一双成对的袜子。
Send this presentation without any obligation or expectation in receiving good luck. 请勿出于义务或预期收获好运而发送这个展示图。
To Dave, living Mitch's stress free life without obligation or consequence would be a dream come true. 对戴夫而言,能够过著米契那种无忧无虑又没有家庭负担的玩咖生活才是美梦成真。
We invite your tentative order without obligation for all of your automotive parts and supplies needs. 请对我公司供应的必需品与机动车零件,进行无约束力的试控性订货。
PCIDV reserves the right to revise this information and to make changes from time to time to the content hereof without obligation of PCIDV to notify any person of such revisions or changes. 本公司有权修订这些信息,并随时对本文档内容进行更改,且没有义务将这些修订或更改通知给任何人。
Without written consent by Party A or legal requirements, Party B has permanent confidential obligation on the acquired Party A's trade secret, no matter how the validity state of this Agreement is. 未经甲方书面同意或非应法律之要求,乙方对其取得的甲方的商业秘密负有永久保密义务,不论本协议效力状况如何。
Marriage can't go without morality, obligation and law in particular, which is the basic premise for marriage to exist as a social body and continue to play its unsubstitutable role. 婚姻离不开道德、离不开责任,当然也离不开法律,这是婚姻这种社会组织体存在并继续发挥其不可替代的作用的基本前提。
The essay discusses such accounting issues as mortgage, selling with and without recourse appearing in the obligation receivable financing of small-size enterprises, and proposes definite accounting methods. 本文针对小企业应收债权融资时出现质押、不附追索权的出售以及附追索权的出售等会计事项进行讨论,并给出了具体的会计处理方法。
The solution is taking legal measure on protecting the China banking without disobeying Chinese international obligation and this solution may realize the win-win-win target of Chinese financial industry to become a member of world financial system. 运用法律手段规范银行业的开放,在不违背中国应承担的国际义务的情况下,运用法律手段保护银行业,实现中国金融业融入世界金融体系。
The administrative omission that this text inquires only means administrative omission without nonperformance administrative obligation. 本文所探讨的行政不作为仅指不履行行政职责行政不作为。
The insurance company for driving without a license by the physical damage to the victim was charged with the contract shall be under an obligation not to the applicant right of recourse against. 保险公司对无证驾驶所造成的人身损害向受害人承担了合同给付义务后不能向投保人行使追偿权。
Without a consensus on the concepts, basis, nature, and liability nature of the safeguard obligation home and abroad, there are two schools as to the development of the safeguard obligation. 但国内外对安全保障义务的概念、法律基础、义务性质、责任性质等问题尚未达成共识,以至对安全保障义务发展方向的认识形成两大派别。
In order to study Natural Obligation further, I compare it with the incomplete obligation, obligation without liability, moral obligation. 为了进一步明晰概念,笔者仔细分析了自然之债和不完全债、无责任之债、道德义务、特殊不当得利和赠与的区别。
Negotiorum gestio is defined as the management of the affairs of others without legal or contractual obligation in order to avoid losses of the interests of others. 无因管理是指没有法定或约定义务,为避免他人利益受损失而对他人事务进行管理。
Not without obligation, the obligation is not right unacceptable, but at this stage in human development, I think that first of all it should be emphasized that obligation. 没有不带义务的权利,没有权利的义务也是不能接受的。不过,在人类发展的现阶段,我认为首先应当强调义务。